doyourules w/Cliché Jeff

Become More Attractive (Law Of Attraction): The Magnetic Philosophy of Attraction and Prosperity

April 08, 2024 Jeff Season 2 Episode 12
Become More Attractive (Law Of Attraction): The Magnetic Philosophy of Attraction and Prosperity
doyourules w/Cliché Jeff
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doyourules w/Cliché Jeff
Become More Attractive (Law Of Attraction): The Magnetic Philosophy of Attraction and Prosperity
Apr 08, 2024 Season 2 Episode 12

Unlock the transformative potential within you as we journey through the enigmatic force of attraction that influences every aspect of our existence. Say goodbye to the limitations of your current mindset; this episode is your gateway to manifesting a life brimming with wealth, invigorating relationships, and unbridled success. We're not just talking about surface-level charms; it's about the vibration you emanate into the universe. Together with our insightful guests, we peel back the layers of the law of attraction, demonstrating how a focused shift from pessimism to optimism can reconfigure not only your financial landscape but your entire life's trajectory. Prepare to harness the power of your thoughts and energy to create a reality that resonates with abundance and prosperity.

Feel the magnetic pull as we connect you to the cosmic pool of money, exploring the profound impact our mental attitudes have on financial advancement. Our conversation challenges the fear and doubt that often cloud our path to abundance, replacing it with a philosophy of love, positivity, and unwavering patience. We echo the teachings of our guests, affirming that the journey to wealth is a marathon, not a sprint, with the universe's timing playing a critical role in the realization of our desires. By infusing your daily life with affirmative thoughts and maintaining a steadfast belief in the power of a positive mindset, you are setting the stage for monumental change. Tune in and empower yourself to alter your course towards a future filled with the riches you not only seek but truly deserve.

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Unlock the transformative potential within you as we journey through the enigmatic force of attraction that influences every aspect of our existence. Say goodbye to the limitations of your current mindset; this episode is your gateway to manifesting a life brimming with wealth, invigorating relationships, and unbridled success. We're not just talking about surface-level charms; it's about the vibration you emanate into the universe. Together with our insightful guests, we peel back the layers of the law of attraction, demonstrating how a focused shift from pessimism to optimism can reconfigure not only your financial landscape but your entire life's trajectory. Prepare to harness the power of your thoughts and energy to create a reality that resonates with abundance and prosperity.

Feel the magnetic pull as we connect you to the cosmic pool of money, exploring the profound impact our mental attitudes have on financial advancement. Our conversation challenges the fear and doubt that often cloud our path to abundance, replacing it with a philosophy of love, positivity, and unwavering patience. We echo the teachings of our guests, affirming that the journey to wealth is a marathon, not a sprint, with the universe's timing playing a critical role in the realization of our desires. By infusing your daily life with affirmative thoughts and maintaining a steadfast belief in the power of a positive mindset, you are setting the stage for monumental change. Tune in and empower yourself to alter your course towards a future filled with the riches you not only seek but truly deserve.


Is it just me or would you agree that it feels like only the most attractive people in the world have the most attractive things that life has to offer? And yes, for the purposes of this talk, I'm talking specifically about the material visual in our world Money, house, car, job, business, jewelry, fashion and etc. Car, job, business, jewelry, fashion and et cetera. Now what if I told you that that's not nearly as coincidental or convenient as you might think and that the power to attract material visual from this world is in all of us. You just have to turn up your level of attractiveness, and I'm talking about the law of attraction, which, by all accounts, you are already using. Now how do you do that? Let's first agree that everything you have today you have attracted to yourself, whatever lifestyle you see and live today, it's all a product of you and your level of universal attractiveness, because without that belief, you won't have the power to shift your world. And if that is true, and we agree, then let's consciously and mindfully acknowledge that you possess the same qualities as anyone and everyone who you believe have the most attractive lifestyles. So yes, if this wasn't already clear, this is a mindset thing that you're in. The law of attraction begins with believing in energy and that we as people are all energy beings Our physical construct, mind, body, spirit. It's just one big energy force, field and magnet. Therefore, that is not true just for us as people. That is also true for the material visual you see money, relationships, job promotion or your most wildest of dreams. The question will always remain are you not just willing to raise your energy force field to attract what you seek, but are you willing to let the universe catch up to you, because our current dreams and wishes might be as far as mars and, although seemingly far away, right, it will come to you if you are willing to commit to focusing on the attractive mindset and playing the waiting game. All right, let me explain. I use the words energy force, field and magnet intentionally, because the law of attraction has a sublaw to it around magnetism that goes like this Negative thoughts attract one another, but positive thinking does the same. If all we do is remain pessimistic, negative experiences will continue to come our way.


So, to flesh this out, let's focus our attention on money for the time being, because it's so obviously influential and relatable in our culture, and I will agree that, to a degree, money could mean everything to you, especially if you're broke and I've been there and because money implies a highly attractive lifestyle, it just seems to make sense. So so you you as an energy force field you focus on money and because you are an energy force field, money therefore is also an energy force field. And before listening to this talk, your mindset and your thoughts will focus, possibly, on you being broke. On that all you do is live paycheck to paycheck. Everything in life food, rent, mortgage and basic cost of living is so expensive and that anyone who has money is lucky or was born into it, or maybe they sold their soul to the devil. If that is you, then your energy and frequency, your attractiveness, is turned on to being turned off to money, thereby attracting being more and more broke. Think of it like this If energy equals frequency and vibration, frequency and vibration then equals communication Meaning. In this example, you and money are simply talking to one another and now substitute money with anything else that you see in your life. Back to jobs, relationships, all people, places and things. We could argue that life is the law of attraction and action at all times. Going back to this is a mindset thing you are speaking and seeking by how you are thinking all day and, if you care to know, we think upwards of 60,000 thoughts per day, which I like to refer to as silent praying or spoken word to the universe, who is not just watching but listening all day.


So set another way for you to visualize this a little bit deeper. Imagine you're on your phone right now Maybe you're on your phone right now already and I text you the number to the universal pool of money. All the money that exists in the world is available to you at this phone number. Like, oh shit, let's go. So you lock that number into your phone and I tell you, dial it and see what happens. So you dial it and you call it because why wouldn't you? So you dial it and you call it because why wouldn't you? And sure enough, you hear hello, this is the universal pool of money and abundance. How about I help you Before you get excited, right? Remember how we started this with the broke money mindset.


So if you are on the phone with money pool talking, fear and doubt about money, right, how hard it is to make money, how difficult it is to keep money, and again, anyone that has it in abundance is somehow lucky, was born into it and sold their soul as a violent criminal, and that is the only reason anyone has any money. Think about that conversation. Stop and think about how you would respond if you picked up the phone and someone is calling you like that. So how do you think Money Pool is responding to you? Think about it. All. Right now let's try it like this If you call the Money Pool again, it picks up and you're like hey, money Pool, ooh, baby, right, I see you out there looking all good.


I know you'd like, hey, money pool, ooh, baby, right, I see you out there looking all good. I know you like to be treated well and spent lavishly. I know you like to flow in abundantly and you talk to it with love and affection and you tell it it's the most sexiest thing in the world. Huh, I know you get it. I know you get it Now again. Expand that that. Expand that to everything you seek money, house, car, job, business, relationships, god, and on and on and on. That is essentially the law of attraction, which is again available to us all as people and energy beings. Remember, and if it wasn't clear, the law of attraction has no prejudice, it doesn't discriminate, nor does it try to hide itself. It's literally there for all to seek and use. You still with me Now? Why have you all excited and entertained? And you're still on the forward money pool? Let me be clear again on some realities.


While the concept is simple and plain, the difficulty for this lies in the waiting game, amongst other things right the mindset thing, as I said previously. And firstly, you might be in New York City or somewhere in the world using the Money Pool as an example. You dial it and it could be picking up as far as Mars. This is a journey, a constant journey, and turning yourself on to this frequency takes time for the universe to catch up. Also, I know you're just watching this, but don't be selfish.


You're not the only one searching and attracting. This law and power is available to everyone. So you have to prioritize patience, especially if you've been turned off to the higher frequency you seek for some time now. In other words, we can get easily distracted by life, or with life by life, because that's just life. But but if you are watching this, I'll leave you with this last nugget Pick up the phone, call the attraction you seek, lock in and never hang up, even after you start getting what you want, because, truthfully, if this goes back to a mindset thing, you already have a connection through your silent prayer and spoken word, which is universal thought and consciousness. So why not stay tuned into the higher energy, vibration, frequency and abundant communication? Change your mind, change your life. I am who I say I am. Do you and stay rich.

The Power of Attraction
Law of Attraction and Abundance