doyourules w/Cliché Jeff

From Thinking to Being: Transform Your Roots

Jeff Season 2 Episode 5

When my world turned upside down, the anchor I found wasn't in the hustle of career success, but in the quiet moments spent with family. It's these revelations that I bring to our latest conversation about the transformative journey from being a thinker to living as a true being. We strip away the layers of superficial goals and dig deep into the essence of personal purpose, drawing from spiritual realms and deeper self-realization. I recount the pivotal moment that family became my growth catalyst and challenge you to question your own comfort in dissatisfaction, urging a rational yet brave embrace of change for genuine fulfillment.

This episode is your call to action to unearth the potential lying dormant within. As we navigate the terrain of our beliefs, habits, and skills, it becomes clear that they are the seeds from which our future sprouts. I urge you to cultivate these seeds with intention, fostering a mindset that knows no bounds and holds steadfast to the belief that "I am who I say I am." It's a powerful declaration of self-affirmation and an invitation to reach for the sky like the mightiest of trees, even if the growth comes with growing pains. Join me as we affirm our infinite potential and commit to a life that echoes our deepest visions.

Speaker 1:

What is great, getting real. Let's have a dialogue around the change you seek and why it is the easiest, most difficult thing you could possibly ever do. And the concepts we're gonna go over are about as simple and plain as possible. And I want to, I want to really drive home the conversation around logic. I'll be it. There'll be some science references, possibly even some spiritual, but we're really fundamentally what it comes down to is the logic of life, and I want to give you three concepts we're gonna go over. We're gonna talk about thinking versus being. The difference is the same and then be a tree, not grass. So let's start with with thinking versus being, because it is. It is fundamentally at the core of who we are, what we need to appreciate if we want to catapult forward in any direction. And I want to be clear about this too that when we think about change, when I research change and when I view any kind of motivational or spiritual or any kind of mentoring program or coaching, everyone is coaching you, I shouldn't say everyone. It appears to me that most folks are coaching you towards a material end goal. Right? Folks are selling master classes and they're selling programs on how to achieve specific outcomes around again, the, the material view of life, right, what is your dream? And that's, that's relative, and it's powerful and it's and it's required that you should want to know who you really want to be in life, for example, to be relatable. I came to this conclusion and this is why I think it's important.

Speaker 1:

My journey was that I came to this conclusion that I want to help be a communicator in the world, that I want to speak to the world, that I want to let my voice possibly resonate with, with humanity, because I feel like that's what I was destined to do. And and it could be cliche, corny, whatever you think it is but I didn't start my journey with the idea of I want to go speak and I want to touch millions and I want to receive millions and I want to have the most abundant material lifestyle ever possibly imagined. I don't for for, for the record, I do think there's value to that, but what I want to share and what I really want to have resonate, is that those things should eventually be outlined. There should be a vision to that. But if I can, if I can really allow what I said to to be repeated, I felt like this was revealed to me. I felt like this became my calling and my destiny as I went through my evolution and journey. This wasn't a forced end result. This was the process of me becoming and then landing into this space. So I didn't focus on I wanna have a podcast, I wanna have a YouTube channel, I wanna be on stage. Those things came after my evolution and change, which is all fundamentally components of how you feel as a human, how you are emotionally intelligent, how you are able to dominate yourself.

Speaker 1:

Let me explain Thinking versus being. I came to the conclusion one day that where I'm at suffice it to say is no longer good enough for me, and my journey started with what I believe was a direct message in my ear from God. And here's what he said to me spend more time with your kids and your wife. He didn't say here are the winning lottery numbers. He didn't say go down this path so I can dump all the wine and bread that you seek in your life. He didn't say I expect you to be a prophet and thought, no, no. The message was around spending more time with my children and family.

Speaker 1:

Why do I think this is powerful? The science of where folks will drive you and what I think is relevant and prevalent in the field Growth mindset, fixed mindset, thinker versus being. The growth mindset, simply stated, allows you to believe and perceive real or not the idea that you can grow off everything, that anything that you experience is the possibility of it being just a simple challenge or an obstacle that you need to overcome, thereby creating the inspiration, motivation and the desire for you to always want to attain, attain, attain, attain, attain. The fixed mindset says you've essentially not plateaued, because I think everybody has more, but you've reached a baseline. I don't want to say flatline, that sounds terrible but you've come to a fork in the road. You chose a road and then the road that you traveled has become very linear. It's just a straight road and you're gonna stay on that straight road, because veering off of that road in any direction creates challenge, obstacles and, ultimately, the risk of who you are today being in jeopardy. Right so, the growth person they're on a road, but it's windy, it's hilly, it's difficult. The person who is at a fixed mindset essentially comes to the realization that I don't want to lose what I got, and so we become less the thinker and we just become our being.

Speaker 1:

And let me ask, simple and plain when is the last time you really asked yourself what am I thinking? And beat you don't have to answer this in your internal being or vessel while you listen. But if you have any kind of takeaway from this talk and you've made it already this far before we go into other concepts have you really thought about what am I thinking? Because, logically, forget the science, forget the spirituality, forget any kind of cliche term around possibilities. It's just this very simple thing to me.

Speaker 1:

If you are not where you wanna be today, what are you thinking? Because, if you were thinking, why would you allow yourself to come to the rational conclusion that I am where I am, I don't like it and I'm staying here? It doesn't make logical sense. It doesn't. If you did the math and I asked you what's one plus one, you say it's two. If you said it was three, you'd know that doesn't make sense. That's not right. So if you wake up, you're gonna be fine, continually, day after day after day after day, and somehow you've reached the conclusion that this is not really what you want, but yet you accept it and continue walking that path.

Speaker 1:

What are you thinking? The logic says you are no longer thinking. You are not the thinker. You have become your thoughts, because the science also says we think a plethora of thoughts daily and at some point, essentially what you did was you tapped out to your thoughts of wherever you stopped thinking. Because you did stop thinking at some point and you just you started to walk that road and you decided I'm not gonna deviate. Whether consciously or subconsciously, whether willingly or unwillingly, you have submitted to the fixed style of life that is you today and now. Chemically, neurologically, emotionally. Any change or deviation from that creates a risk that'll throw you into an absolute panic. Try it If you've ever changed anything. You start to feel it and you're like oh, this is hard, I'm not doing it. I'm not doing it Mainly because the idea of doing it again puts you at risk, and anything that puts you at risk is dangerous and you don't want danger in your life. That's all.

Speaker 1:

It amounts to Thinker versus being. If you stopped to become the thinker, then you can rationalize growth. If you haven't stopped to become the thinker, you are just your thoughts and you are in a state of being that is fixed and the only way out is to begin to change how you are thinking. Consider that Concepts, not gonna touch on that today. It's just simply a moment of realization around thinker versus being, and I'll close with this. If you are just being today, there's a line in analogy Nothing changes if nothing changes. And, quite frankly, repeating the same actions and behaviors over and over and over and somehow expecting something to change is the definition of insanity. So when's the last time you stopped to think? What am I thinking? Thinker versus being? All right, the difference is the same. So we can all identify change. We can open our eyes, we can open our phones, we can look in our communities, we can go into our memory banks, we can look forward into the future, we can do all these wonderful things that make us as humans and leverage this highly powerful brain that was given to us as part of our power of creations. So the difference is the same.

Speaker 1:

When you see someone who has achieved what it is you believe that they have achieved, they're no different than you. They are no different than you. They might have different DNA and fingerprints, but everything else about the structure of their being is the same, is absolutely the same, and so if you take a minute to reflect on that, you'll realize the power of possibility you seek for change is already inside of you. The difference is the same. The difference between those very same people and us, though, is that they have decided to implement a routine of constant change in their life. That's simple. That means their mornings are different than ours, yet it's the same because they have a morning. Their afternoons are different, their evenings are different. Their jobs are different, but it's the same as a job. Their desires are different, but it's the same as desires. Their family life is different, but it's the same as ours. It's just the emphasis around the prioritization of self to maximize each component of their world separates them from all of us, and so you'll hear that the difference between not being the same is a.

Speaker 1:

4 am wake up, maybe even 3 am, no later than 5 am it happens to be Saturday. I'm in my wonderful beast mode shirt. I jumped some rope before I got on the mic. I'm no different. I'm the same, but the difference in outcome you seek has to be difference in output. It is that simple. I don't even want to go into it any deeper than that. I'll even stop there. You have everything you need inside of you. You just have to be different to become different. All right, be a tree, not grass. Be a tree, not grass.

Speaker 1:

Limitations we put limitations on ourselves. We put limitations on ourselves, and the difference between a tree and a grass is that a tree doesn't really have a defined end state. It can just keep growing and growing and growing, and then you have the bunny. It keeps going and going and going. Grass, grass, grass has limitations and if it actually exceeds a certain height or level, it doesn't look manicured, it doesn't look right. And so, if you look, there's essentially an averageness to grass. There's no way higher than what it is. It's very limited in potential. Yet it starts as a seed in the soil, the way a tree starts to seed in the soil.

Speaker 1:

So what's the difference? From a mindset perspective? Limiting thoughts produce limiting outcomes. Limiting habits produce limiting results. Limited skills produce limited opportunity. It all goes back to the seed you plant into the soil. What water are you giving it? How much exposure to light are you giving it? And even before then, what is the depth of the darkness in which you planted that seed? And are you limiting your possibilities for growth by limiting your mindset around what you could possibly do? Again, nothing strategic, nothing specific around how to execute. It's more of understanding and coming to the realization that the potentiality you seek is not limited by nature. You have the power to become whoever it is you seek, but you have to change the origins in which your new version is being executed on. Plant the seed, the side is a tree, put no limits on it and you can really extend as far as you'd like.

Speaker 1:

I felt really inspired today to just deliver this very simple message. I hope it makes sense to you. Thinking versus being the difference is the same. Be trees, not grass. Consider that everything you seek is absolutely possible. The life you believe in requires you to just believe and it's gonna hurt, but it hurts anyway. The difference is the same. I am who I say I am. Stay rich.