doyourules w/Cliché Jeff

Embracing Fear's Paradox: From the Light of Lucifer to the Lessons of Legends

Jeff Season 2 Episode 18

Feel the tremors of terror that haunt our every move? This episode pulls back the curtain on fear's paradox, its curious role as both jailor and liberator. I plunge into a conversation about the philosophical implications of Lucifer as the light bearer, proposing that the devil's descent may have bestowed upon us the profound ability to think. This notion becomes the cornerstone of our discourse as we explore the labyrinth of human consciousness, the perpetual tug-of-war between enlightenment and true understanding.

Amidst the echoes of biblical lore, I connect the dots between fear and the pivotal moments of transformation in the lives of Noah, Moses, and David. This isn't just a retelling of ancient stories; it's a call to action, an invitation to view fear through a different lens – as a catalyst for growth and evolution. The episode serves as a guide to embracing the 'light of darkness', the hidden realm where we can find our authentic selves and reclaim our potential. So, join us on this introspective odyssey, and let's shift our perception of fear from an obstacle to an engine of change.

Speaker 1:

Yo, I am scared to death Out of my mind. No cap, raised hairs and chills down my spine. Style scared and truthfully, I hope you can help, because I believe that you're scared too. But if you prefer to think you're not and want to go with the traditional ego flex, that's fine. But you should be, for in life we are sheep or shepherd, and fear is the ultimate motivator or, as we know, the ultimate debilitator. And I do a lot of research, so I know just about everyone who's in this space is talking about fear, and when they talk about fear, they're telling you that you shouldn't be scared. And when they talk about fear, they're telling you that you shouldn't be scared. You get one life.

Speaker 1:

It's easy to get over and on and on and on with the cliche vibes, but remember, before we go any further, I'm just a reminder. Nothing to see here other than what you already know. But I want to express to you today, and what I want to express is why, if you're not scared, then you should be, and never lose that as a drive for your purpose. So check out what I read today that absolutely blew my mind to pieces, expanded my ignorance and added new perspective for me Lucifer the devil, and that is where I started my spine tingle. The literal meaning of Lucifer, which I learned today, is bringer of light or, said another way, the light bearer. And here is a quote by Fred Giddings from the readings of Symbolism in Occult Art it is claimed that after Lucifer fell from heaven, he brought with him the power of thinking as a gift for mankind. I'm telling you I'm shook. Now, let that hit your soul a bit and let's focus on two quick key takeaways. One, lucifer, bearer of light. Two, lucifer power of thinking. And if you remember and have any familiarity high level with the Bible, word Lucifer, satan, the snake or the devil. It was he who tempted Eve to tempt Adam to eat from the tree of knowledge, thereby granting us the power of good and evil, which you might also refer to as consciousness, light and dark.

Speaker 1:

And now, somehow, we see light and we fully embrace light, because there's nothing, obviously, to fear in the light. But what do we truthfully do with it? Who are we in the light? Because, from my view and belief, how about sheep Herding along, unable to discern true meaning for ourselves, wrapped in our own undisciplined, untrained and insecure emotions, stuck, ignoring ourselves, our God given, conscious and creative selves frozen by the power of thought and free will, rather submitting and substituting our potential for living vicariously through the lens of a screen, breaking news or the latest trend For in the light, the sheep grasps by the masses the mask of asses and then looks to externally validate, excuse and victimize the ineptitude of your reality that, at its core, comes with embracing fear.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, you're just using fear to debilitate, desecrate and deliver yourself from your God-given purpose. And if any of that is true for you, then you are embracing the light of Lucifer. And I know you shook. Yet I know that's deep. You might even need to rewind a few times to keep the meaning.

Speaker 1:

But let's agree to counter this. That is the light of darkness. It is the light of darkness you truly seek, for. Your true self resides there, make no mistake. Illuminaries reside prominently at night, just not to the sheep, for that is where the shepherd makes his move. That is where growth makes his move. That is where growth, expansion and traction happens. That is when fear is leveraged for the power of evolution.

Speaker 1:

And if we want to continue with the word for further confirmation that all challenges earned to the lands of the dark light, let us wonder what Noah felt like building the ark and embracing the flood, what Moses must have felt freeing his people from 400 years of slavery, mainly by initiating 10 plagues before the Pharaoh of a nation, with the final plague resulting in the death of all firstborn and David. He didn't just slay Goliath, but in doing so became preferred to the people, thereby making him an enemy of an insecure king, king Saul, who just so happened to be the first appointed king of the people by God himself. And, of course, jesus died on the cross for what he believed in the ultimate sacrifice of man, in the ultimate sacrifice of man. All of these examples are, at minimum, possibilities of embracing light through fear and, most importantly, darkness, for otherwise and without it, perceived light in perceived light, we wear our ultimate masks and proceed as sheep.

Speaker 1:

We wear our ultimate masks and proceed as sheep, and in the dark, feeling alone and without light, we grip our vice to mask ourselves from the mentality that keeps us weak, mainly because we think that no one sees except for you. For somehow we feel the need to free ourselves. And free from what Is it? Freedom from the darkness of the light that shines bright on us. So, if it's possible, you yearn for your highest self, and the fear of the struggle is overwhelming you. You must think shepherd, not sheep, for in darkness is where you will always find the truest you, thereby having the power to withstand the bringer of light. Change your mind, change your life. I am who I say I am Stay rich.