doyourules w/Cliché Jeff

Get Bored! Become Creative?

Jeff Season 2 Episode 26

Unlock the hidden potential within you as we explore the surprising nexus of boredom and creativity in our latest podcast episode. Embark on a journey to discover how the very moments we often try to fill with endless activities are indeed the ones that hold the key to our most authentic and inventive selves. We'll guide you through the cultural obsession with staying perpetually busy, and how this constant engagement can actually stifle the very originality we seek. Together with our special guests, we examine the fears and barriers that prevent us from expressing our true selves and how, by embracing the quiet, we can learn to overcome them.

This episode is a revelation for anyone who's felt the pressure of always being 'on' and fears the silence that boredom brings. We share actionable strategies for redefining these quiet moments as opportunities for profound personal growth. Learn how to start small—just a few minutes daily—and gradually increase your tolerance for solitude until you're spending quality time with your thoughts. It's within this space that creativity can bubble up and authentic living begins. We promise that by the end of our conversation, boredom will no longer be a dreaded void, but a canvas for your imagination and a turning point towards a life of richer, more genuine experiences.

Speaker 1:

Get bored, become creative. Welcome to the ultimate paradoxical event in the Do you Rules channel history, and I don't wanna make this too deep. I wanna get right into why I believe this is important, why I believe it is, in my opinion, life-changing and the ultimate influence and persuasion you need for the ultimate you. That's what we're driving, that's what we're getting at, that's what I hope you leave with after this episode today. So the idea that you need to get bored to become creative. Why, I believe and interestingly and ironically enough, if you pay any attention to what's being sold and what you are buying because things are being sold and you're buying pretty much every second of your life what you want to achieve, I believe what will help you in your life is full authenticity of who you are. Life is full authenticity of who you are.

Speaker 1:

And if you pay attention to anything that anyone pushes as far as narratives, intent and possibility, things that resonate with us, things that we subscribe to and sign up for, the most attractive thing to us is authenticity. Why? Because we know at our core there's a version of us the dopest, most realized, most excellent version of us that we all want, that we all crave and that we all desire. It's that simple. The difficulties we have with achieving that is that we are distracted constantly, and the biggest thing with distractions and you not being bored enough is that when you are distracted, forget the hows and the whys we understand. Let's just agree to disagree, or disagree to agree, or sign up for the basic and plain, simple logic that we all have a life to live and that life to live comes with realities, whatever those realities are for you. But in and around those realities comes distractions, whether beneficial or not. But if you're listening and if you're struggling and you find difficulties that are they feel insurmountable, or you feel like you're in this repetitive cycle that you can't break free from and you can't somehow see a truth for yourself or identify with a life that you really desire, then you're distracted and your distraction is that you're distracting yourself from yourself.

Speaker 1:

That's the most egregious and the most lopsided thing you could do is that when you are distracted, you're ignoring yourself, and when you're ignoring yourself, then the authenticity, your intuition, the naturalness of you is therefore, and thereby blocked, right. Think about the logic, let that process Really really get bored and think of that. Get bored and think about that. What you see for yourself is not there because you can't create it for yourself and you can't become creative because you're not bored enough. You're distracted, you lack authenticity and the reality of that is, if you push aside ego and you allow yourself to do any kind of investigation or discovery, self-discovery.

Speaker 1:

You're watching this, you're watching similar content. You're looking for inspiration, motivation, why? Why? Because you're searching for your creativity, which aligns with your authenticity. Whatever it is, the goofy inside of you, right? The spontaneity, the lose, all inhibition, all those things that make us feel great about just living, is being blocked because you're distracted.

Speaker 1:

And if you can allow yourself to be bored, then you can broaden your scope and open up the possibilities to your naturalness, your authenticity, what allows you to feel like you, and no matter what you say or how you say it or what again narratives are being pushed the idea and concept of life I think I said this yesterday on a rant I went on in my live love doesn't typically go viral because we feel like it's a little too corny, a little too bland, right, it's not the sex appeal that we push, right? The drama, the negativity, the oh my God, you hear the rumor mill All those things are what typically go viral, because a lot of that is predicated off of the fact that our authenticity as a culture, as a people, is blocked because we're fearful. We're worried. We're afraid of what it looks like, of what it could do to our ego, of what it could do if we fail. Because deep inside of us we all think the same things, whether we come to that realization or not. And if you go back to that possibility, why are we possibly scared Because of what we think, that other people are thinking? Because we think the same way other people think, and we know how nasty we could be anxiety and stress. We're again blocked off from the openness of our own individuality, of our own creativity, of our own authenticity.

Speaker 1:

The math is simple. You don't need neuroscience, you don't need God, you don't need meditation, you don't need self-help books, self-health, self-help. You don't need anyone to preach to you what you need, and maybe those things come along the journey. But what you need is self-discovery. You need to understand where you are, how you got there and what you need to do to move forward. And you can't if you're distracted and as long as you repeat whatever it is you're repeating today, because we're all in some kind of repeat cycle in life, and that's ironically right.

Speaker 1:

The paradox you should be, the life you need for the life you seek, needs to become routine. But you're probably in the wrong routine. You're a distracted routine and until you get bored, until you allow yourself the possibility of creativity because that's what happens when you get bored you just start to think. You think all these wonderful things, well, you might start thinking about how, man, I got to pay this bill. I got to pay this bill, I got the mortgage coming up. I'm going to order out even though I can't afford it. But give yourself, let those pass, build a routine of boredom.

Speaker 1:

And I'm going to close with a suggestion of what I would encourage and hopefully inspire you to do and walk away with. Find 30 minutes, maybe 15 minutes, eventually build up to an hour where you can just sit alone with yourself, sit alone and watch what happens, watch your thoughts, do the math on what's going on in your mind, because eventually you're going to get bored with constantly thinking about the negative distractions that permeate, overwhelm and cause fear. And when you can do that and push through that and eventually rationalize it, because at some point you can say to yourself all right, I'm thinking all these crazy things. Well, what is the craziest thing that could happen? If I do push past the fear and everything like that, then you spark creativity, then you spark your authenticity. And that, my friends, whether you believe or not, is your God-given right. You're allowed to be whoever it is and should be and only can be who you're supposed to be. Seek your authenticity, get bored and become creative. Change your mind, change your life, stay rich.