doyourules w/Cliché Jeff

No One Cares About Your Feelings


Could it be that our emotions are not as paramount as we imagine, masked by an inherent self-centeredness that's part of being human? Prepare to have your emotional compass recalibrated as we unravel this startling truth, igniting a conversation that's far more than just words—it's the beginning of a transformative journey. Our latest episode confronts the uncomfortable reality that our feelings are often a reflection not of our own essence but of those around us. We'll guide you through the mazes of self-awareness and empathy to discover how the paradox of recognizing our self-centeredness can, surprisingly, lead to a deeper connection with others and a more compassionate existence.

This isn't your usual heart-to-heart; it's a wake-up call that demands an inward gaze to foster joy, passion, and gratitude. You're invited to join us as we break down the walls of what you think you know about your own feelings and those of the people around you. We examine those profound moments of epiphany that expand our emotional understanding and how this knowledge can lead to empathy and compassion. It's a candid reflection that challenges you to stay at the center of your universe while simultaneously stepping out of your emotional comfort zone to embrace a broader, more connected experience of life.

Speaker 1:

no one cares about your feelings, not even you, because if you did, you'd do something about it, and along the journey of doing something about how you feel, you would learn some facts that would just blow your mind.

Speaker 1:

And so this doesn't have to be any kind of propaganda initiative and agenda other than no one cares about your feelings, not even you. And the primary reason no one cares about your feelings is because everyone at the base of everything only cares about themselves. Not as an insult intended to be inflammatory or derogatory, just the basic and plain truth of life, as I heard today, truth with a capital T. In order for us to explain our worlds, we explain it in the first person. The only way until you can break free and find something that you can explain life to anyone is based on how you see it. Everything's about you. You are, as everyone is, the center of, not the universe, but your universe, and the longer you stay as the center of just you, then the more you'll be in your feelings and the more your feelings will be based on what other people think and feel, which, if you listen to this logic, is based on what other people think and feel. Because if all you care about is you, then the person you're caring about is only caring about themselves too. Think about the logic the way you are the center is the way they are the center. The way only you see what you see is the way they only see what they see. And, of course, two people can look at this very same thing, have the very same experience and see it two different ways, because you don't know what that person has seen, nor does that person know what you have seen. So when you base on what you do feel and behave on others, you're basing what you do behave and see on how other people see it, and that's been perpetuating for the entirety of your existence, since you broke womb. Which is why I also say until you figure this out, you don't know shit Because all you are.

Speaker 1:

Until you have a moment, an epiphany, or start to appreciate that you need to really focus on what you're thinking so you can appreciate what you're feeling and then realize that everyone else is doing the same thing and it's not just you, because the universe is massive and you don't know shit Because, at minimum, when folks take you on a journey, they start to tell you, to look inward, why you need to cultivate your own feeling of joy, your own feelings of passion, your own feelings of expansiveness, so you can realize your own feelings of darkness, your own feelings of sorrow, doubt, insecurities. And until you're able to sit with those and be still and appreciate that that's part of you, then you won't be able to also appreciate that's part of someone else who is likely not doing the same things as you. And therefore you can cultivate some empathy, some compassion, some gratitude. None of that, none of it occurs if you're in your own feelings, based on what you think other people's feelings are. No one really cares.

Speaker 1:

And so that's the journey, that's the talk, that is everything about the do you rules, that is everything about lack, that is everything about our inabilities to expand our worlds, is that we don't have a level of rationality that is inclusive of how we feel, because we know everyone else is feeling the same exact things and therefore and thereby we wind up stuck in the crowd, doing what everyone else is doing, behaving as everyone else is behaving, for the sake of trying to just live, and we remain stuck in a perpetual state of anxiety, depression, stress that is really truly self-inflicted. Why? Because you're the center. You're always going to be the center and you should remain the center and doing that, doing that, coming to that realization, coming to awareness, watching what you think, will then allow you to expand your center, stop being so individually selfish and become everything you could possibly become.

Speaker 1:

And all the cliches about being in the moment, being still chasing or being disciplined, it's all predicated off the simplest form of life, which comes down to what you do all day, every day, and the ability or inability for you, for us, for we to focus on the simple things, build a routine of discipline, build a routine of consciousness and awareness, build a routine of self-compassion, because life isn't just about you and how you feel, although, if you focus on you and how you feel, you can change the life or lives of everyone around you. And if everyone did that, change your mind, change your life. I am who I say I am. Stay rich.